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Is Legit?

Hey guys, this article is about the review. I’m going to shed light on the ongoing speculation on whether it is legit or a scam. Is there any withdrawal proof from users? This article will answer that.

Is a scam? The platform is a get-rich-quick scheme.

As a rule of investing, thorough due diligence must be conducted on the platform prior to investment.

Let’s Get Started!

What is is an online referral platform that claims to help its users invest in cryptocurrency data centers by renting servers of different capabilities.

When was formed?

The launch date of the platform is unknown but according to, the domain name was registered towards the end of January (26th Jan 2023). Therefore, it’s highly probable that it was launched at the start of February.

Screenshot of the information from;


Who Runs

The owner of is not known.

The person who does the coordination and customer service is the one below;

The phone code +852 is for the Hong Kong area(Asia).

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How Does Works?

According to their website, this is the business model they claim to follow;

“Users purchase cloud computing power contracts through the platform, rent computing power for mining, and obtain fixed income.

The advantage of cloud mining is that users do not need to have a deep understanding of mining principles and various hardware and software, do not need to buy expensive mining machines, and do not need 24-hour maintenance. To put it simply, cloud mining means that users run computing power mining in remote data centers, and users only need to use computers or mobile phones at home to operate.

For example, through the BIT Mining cloud computing platform, one-click mining. You need to have a clear idea of the revenue of each mining machine. Example: BTC- 45 price: 4500KSh, period: 46 days, daily income: 202. 5KSh, total income: 9315 (Note: You can continue to rent after the contract expires.)” website

Ways to Earn in

They claim that anyone can start making money anytime, anywhere BTCM helps you realize your dreams.

These are the available ways to earn;

1. Machine Income

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The first way is machine income.

These are the 5 plans they offer;

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2. Promotional Reward

For each successful promotion of a machine, a reward 200-10000KSh.

3. Promotion Machine Commission

You earn (10%-20% commission for each promotion machine).

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Red Flags

1. Information Duplication

Information on the website is a complete copy from the company Known worldwide for mining crypto.

Compare them below;

The original company:

image 12

The clone:

image 11

2. Their website Domain is a clone.

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This is the original company known for mining cryptocurrency.
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This is the clone of the original website.

Website cloning is a popular method to scam people out of money and/or to damage the credibility of reputable websites and companies. Any website can be cloned with minimal effort; cyber criminals create a “clone” site that may look exactly like the original site, barring a very small change in the web address.

The cloned websites have a URL which is close to the original and can fool users by exchanging lookalike characters, doubling certain characters in the URL, or registering a domain where a single letter is different.
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3. Unprofessional Website design

The website is clumsy and unprofessional. How can one manage servers worth millions and be unable to get a better website design?

For PC, the website is worse;

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Website interface on desktop

4. False Information on their website

The events listed on the website are dated 2019 even though the platform was created after January 26th.

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5. Disappearing messages on WhatsApp is a red flag

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Is Legit or a Scam?

Ultimately, like any other Ponzi scheme exhibits too many signs of deception to be trusted. Yes, people make money through Ponzi schemes but they can decide one morning that they will close the business after hitting their targets and your money will be lost.

If you want to make money in crypto, I prefer mining PI coins which are free, 1 PI coin is $0.40 currently at the black market. The public mainet is yet to be unveiled.

Mine and Earn 👉 here

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